The POSTNET barcode (Postal Numeric Encoding Technique) is a barcode symbology used by the United States Postal Service (USPS) for encoding ZIP codes and delivery point information on mail pieces. It is primarily used to automate the sorting and delivery of mail, improving efficiency and accuracy in postal operations.

What is POSTNET Barcode?

  • Purpose: The POSTNET barcode encodes numeric digits (0-9) representing ZIP codes and delivery point information. It helps in sorting and routing mail efficiently within the USPS system.

  • Numeric Encoding: POSTNET barcodes can encode numeric ZIP codes, including ZIP+4 codes (which consist of the basic ZIP code plus four additional digits).

  • Barcode Structure: A typical POSTNET barcode consists of tall and short bars that represent the encoded numeric digits. It may also include a check digit for error detection.

How to Use POSTNET Barcode:

  1. Generating POSTNET Barcodes:

    • Use barcode generation software or an online barcode generator that supports POSTNET symbology.
    • Input the numeric ZIP code or ZIP+4 code that you want to encode into the barcode.
    • Optionally, include a check digit if required.
    • Generate the barcode image, which displays a pattern of bars representing the encoded ZIP code.
  2. Printing:

    • Print the generated POSTNET barcode on mail pieces, envelopes, or labels using a barcode printer. Ensure the barcode is printed clearly and at an appropriate size for reliable scanning.
  3. Scanning:

    • Use a barcode scanner capable of reading POSTNET barcodes to scan mail pieces during processing and delivery.
    • The scanner decodes the barcode to retrieve the ZIP code or delivery point information, facilitating accurate sorting and routing within the USPS system.

What POSTNET Barcode is Used With:

POSTNET barcodes are used within the USPS for:

  • Mail Sorting: Automatically sorting mail pieces based on ZIP codes and delivery point information.
  • Mail Routing: Efficiently routing mail to the correct destination post office or delivery area.
  • Address Validation: Verifying and correcting addresses to ensure accurate delivery.


Here is an example of what a POSTNET barcode might look like:

POSTNET Barcode Example

In this example, the barcode consists of tall and short bars representing the encoded ZIP code, including a check digit for error detection.

POSTNET barcodes are essential tools used by the USPS to streamline mail processing, improve delivery accuracy, and enhance overall postal service efficiency. They enable automated handling of mail, reducing sorting errors and ensuring timely delivery to recipients.